Νέοι Ορίζοντες Σπουδών
US Dual Diploma
  • Δικαίωμα στην Επιλογή
  • Ευέλικτο & Προσιτό για όλους
  • Επιλογή 2 ή 3 χρόνων φοίτησης
  • Εξατομικευμένες υπηρεσίες Προσανατολισμού από Αμερικάνους επαγγελματίες
  • Εγγύηση εισαγωγής με ένα από τα συνεργαζόμενα πανεπιστήμια σε ΗΠΑ & ΕΕ
  • Απόκτησε φίλους από όλο το κόσμο

Begin your journey today!

Διαπιστευμένο από τα μεγαλύτερα παιδαγωγικά ιδρύματα της Αμερικής

Μιλήστε με έναν εκπρόσωπό μας σήμερα.
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Information Session! 

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Πώς ο μαθητής/τρία μπορεί
να λάβει το Αμερικάνικο απολυτήριο λυκείου παράλληλα με το Ελληνικό!



Αναγνωρίζοντας 30 μαθήματα
του Ελληνικού σχολείου + 10 του Aμερικανικού λυκείου,
ένας μαθητής μπορεί να λάβει το Αμερικανικό απολυτήριο μαζί
με το Ελληνικό!

What Universities are looking into
Greek High School

Ministry of Education


Courses completed by student's local school
aligned to US school requirements.

US High School

Congnia + Columbia


Courses completed to meet US high school
diploma standards.

US School Diploma

Axion  +  Columbia


Courses completed by students meet Greek & US
high school standards.

Requirement for US  High School Diploma
English Literature


English Literature I, II, III, and IV  



Must include Algebra 1, Geometry, and one at a level higher than Algebra 1

Social Studies


Recommended to include World History, U.S. History, U.S. Government (.5) and Economics (.5)



Must include Biology and one other that has a lab component



4 courses of World Language
2 corses Fine or Performing Arts
1 course Phys Ed
1 course Health

Subject Area  
Requirements for US Dual Diploma
English (literature)


English Literature I, II,

Social Studies


World History, Economics, Phycology etc



Digital Media, Intro to AI, Introduction to Business, Renewable Energy

By completing 10 US Columbia courses, your student
will receive the US Dual High School diploma

Find Your Diploma

US Dual Diploma

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What is your English competency?


Direction of studies you prefer?

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High School

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Middle School

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Middle School

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What is your English competency?

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About Us

Student Select Us

Unlock your powers with us


Courses for International Students

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Small group
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Engaging Content
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Learn not memorize
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Join our Globa Community

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Understand others
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Work on global projects
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Make friends around the world
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Personal Counseling

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Understand all your opportunities
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Talk 1 on 1 with an expert
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Receive a personalized plan
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University Admissions Guarantee

With our US, EU & Asia university partners

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Successful graduates of the U.S. Dual Diploma Program with a GPA of at least 2.5 are guaranteed admission* to one of our top partner universities, or we will refund their program fee.
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Students apply to universities in our guarantee program  that waives the SAT, ACT, and TOEFL.
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Qualified graduates can receive scholarships up to $20,000 USD.
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Thinking Next Steps in life

When a student enrolls in one of our schools,
they join a vibrant community around the world.

Learn more about our diplomas

US Teaching Models for International Students

All courses are designed for students around the world

Meeting the Requirements

US Self-paced learning is combined with live small group sessions with the Rodion teachers that are US certified and our US based teachers.

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Number of Courses
Learning Management System

The online systems to create the learning experience for teachers and students.

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Self-Paced Curriculum

Curriculum designed specifically for online learning and to meet the academic needs of students.

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Grading, Monitoring & Communication

Teachers conduct weekly progress/pacing monitoring and provide weekly student feedback via email.

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Flexible Course Calendar

Courses are conducted on your school's own calendar.

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Teacher & Technical Support

Teachers are accessible at any time via email for student Q&A. Technical support and how-to videos are also available.

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Small Groups

Courses are taken during school hours in small like minded groups with local teacher supervisor

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Global Community

Students have the opportunity to meet other students around the world online, work together on projects and build friendships

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Our Teachers

Our US teachers are trained in the best online teaching methods. As native English speakers, they are prepared to support English learning in every subject.

Approach to Education

- Three teachers per student
- U.S. based teachers
- 10 plus year experience

View Teaching Models

teachers with
Master’s or Ph.D.

years teaching
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Contact Us
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Information Session! 

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Accreditations & Partnerships

As a fully accredited K-12 school, we are proud of our affiliations

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