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Three Year Standard Diploma

3 years

Three Year Standard Diploma

Courses are sequenced to support and challenge students’ English language proficiency, with essays and more English-intensive assignments toward the end of the program.



Time to Complete:

3 years

English Level:



Diploma Description

Customer Benefits


1.      Supports English Language Acquisition Through Well Designed Course Sequencing:

  • By starting th eprogram with less intensive courses that require less writing, students can build confidence and skill as they focus listening and speaking skills in their elective courses.  
  • In the second half of the program, students progress to literature classes that require the highest level of English reading and writing proficiency.
  • When they graduate, they will be prepared with the listening and speaking skills required for university class discussions as well as the reading and essay writing ability that is expected in U.S. universities.

2.      Complements Most Local Schools’ Curricula

  • Not only do courses appeal to students’ academic needs and contemporary interests, they were selected to complement rather than replace local school offerings. For most schools, it is uncommon to offer similar electives or literature courses taught by U.S. teachers.

3.      Enables FasterStart-Up time

  • By relying on our expertise in program design and preparation for university in English, schools and students will experience a shorter lead time before implementing the program.

4.      Accommodates School and Student Needs with Flexible Implementation

  • Though our course of study is prescribed, we can modify aspects of it based on the customer needs.

§ Student level:  

  •  For low English proficiency student groups, we have a plan that swaps in ELL during the first year.
  •  For advanced students, we have a plan that swaps in AP and University courses during the second half of the program.

§ Teaching model:

  • All teaching models continue to be available.  Having cohorts of more students within the same class will make any live teaching models or Teacher Time sessions more successful.

§ Timing:

  • As always, we can start the program any time of the year, based on the school’s schedule.
  •  We can modify the standard three-year program to extend longer or to compress into a shorter time period.

Diploma Structure

Final Project


Take Away


How a Student  btains a US Dual High School Diploma

Methodology of Accredition

the Requirements

Students need to complete 40 courses

30 Greek  + 10 US courses

Greek  High School

Ministry of Education


Courses completed at the student's current high school, aligned to HGS high school diploma requirements.

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US  High School

HGS / Columbia / Congnia


Courses completed through HGS School or an affiliated program, meeting HGS high school diploma standards.

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Total Courses for
US School Diploma



Requirement to receive a US High School Diploma with HGS Columbia School

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By completing these 10 Columbia  courses, your student will be awarded
the HGS School diploma, recognizing their achievement and
providing them with a strong educational foundation for their future.

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