Solving Tomorrow's Problems Today

July 3, 2024

In a rapidly changing world, today's children must be equipped with the skills and knowledge to tackle the multifaceted problems of tomorrow. These issues require innovative and adaptive solutions, from climate change to artificial intelligence. Here, we explore some critical challenges future generations will face, how they impact the world today, and specific courses and degrees that can effectively prepare students to address these challenges.

Climate Change

Impact Today: Climate change is already causing extreme weather events, rising sea levels, and biodiversity loss. In 2020, the U.S. experienced 22 separate billion-dollar weather and climate disasters, the highest number recorded in a single year​ (Getting Smart)​. Additionally, global average temperatures have risen by approximately 1.2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, contributing to severe droughts, wildfires, and flooding​ (Future Problem Solving)​.

Courses and Degrees:

  • Environmental Science: Degrees in Environmental Science focus on understanding the natural world and human environmental impacts. Courses might include Climate Science, Environmental Policy, and Sustainable Development.
  • Renewable Energy Engineering: Programs in this field teach students about alternative energy sources. Relevant courses include Solar Energy Technology, Wind Power Systems, and Energy Storage Solutions.
  • Urban Planning: Focusing on creating sustainable cities, Urban Planning degrees often include courses in Green Infrastructure, Sustainable Urban Design, and Environmental Impact Assessment.

Artificial Intelligence and Automation

Impact Today: AI and automation are transforming industries and the job market. By 2030, up to 30% of the global workforce could be displaced by automation, according to a report by McKinsey Global Institute​ (Getting Smart)​. Furthermore, AI is expected to contribute up to $15.7 trillion to the global economy by 2030, highlighting the significant economic shift towards automation and intelligent systems​ (Internet Matters)​.

Courses and Degrees:

  • Computer Science: Core subjects like Algorithms, Data Structures, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence are essential for understanding and developing AI technologies.
  • Robotics: This field combines engineering and computer science. Fundamental courses include Robotics Engineering, Control Systems, and Autonomous Systems.
  • Data Science: As AI relies heavily on data, degrees in Data Science cover Statistical Analysis, Big Data Technologies, and Machine Learning Algorithms.

Health Care Innovations

Impact Today: The U.S. spends about 17.7% of its GDP on health care, yet millions remain uninsured and struggle to access quality care​ (Getting Smart)​. This disparity is further exacerbated by the rising costs of medical treatments and pharmaceuticals, making healthcare reform a critical issue for future generations​ (Psychology Today)​.

Courses and Degrees:

  • Biomedical Engineering: This field integrates engineering with medical sciences. Courses include Medical Device Design, Biomechanics, and Tissue Engineering.
  • Public Health: Focused on improving health at the population level, Public Health degrees include courses like Epidemiology, Health Policy, and Biostatistics.
  • Health Informatics: This combines health care and IT. Relevant courses include Health Information Systems, Data Analytics in Health Care, and Electronic Health Records.

Food Security

Impact Today: In 2019, 10.5% of U.S. households were food insecure, affecting over 13.7 million people​ (Getting Smart)​. The COVID-19 pandemic has further strained food supply chains and increased the number of people facing hunger worldwide, with the UN estimating nearly 690 million people went hungry in 2019​ (Internet Matters)​.

Courses and Degrees:

  • Agricultural Science: Degrees cover modern farming techniques and sustainability. Courses might include Crop Science, Soil Science, and Agricultural Biotechnology.
  • Nutrition and Dietetics: These programs focus on food and health. Fundamental courses include Nutritional Biochemistry, Public Health Nutrition, and Food Policy.
  • International Development: This field addresses global food security issues. Courses include Development Economics, Food Systems, and Global Health.

Digital Literacy and Cybersecurity

Impact Today: In 2020, cybercrime reports increased by 69% from 2019, highlighting the importance of digital literacy and cybersecurity education​ (Getting Smart)​. The rise in cyberattacks has also exposed vulnerabilities in personal and organizational data security, necessitating robust cybersecurity measures​ (Internet Matters)​.

Courses and Degrees:

  • Cybersecurity: Degrees in this field cover the protection of digital information. Fundamental courses include Network Security, Cryptography, and Cyber Law.
  • Information Technology: A broader field that includes Systems Analysis, IT Project Management, and Database Management courses.
  • Media and Information Literacy: This interdisciplinary field covers the critical evaluation of information. Relevant courses include Digital Literacy, Media Ethics, and Information Systems.

Social and Emotional Skills

Impact Today: According to the World Economic Forum, social and emotional skills such as empathy, teamwork, and adaptability will be among the top skills needed in 2025​ (Getting Smart)​. The increasing complexity of global challenges requires individuals who can work well in teams, understand diverse perspectives, and manage their emotions effectively​(Internet Matters)​.

Courses and Degrees:

  • Psychology: Understanding human behavior and emotions is central to this field. Courses might include Developmental Psychology, Social Psychology, and Counseling Techniques.
  • Education: Education programs often focus on teaching these skills. Relevant courses include Classroom Management, Educational Psychology, and Special Education.
  • Business Administration: Emphasizing leadership and teamwork, business degrees include courses like Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Management, and Leadership Development.

Sustainability and Environmental Stewardship

Impact Today: The World Bank estimates that global waste will increase by 70% by 2050 if current trends continue​(Getting Smart)​. Waste management challenges and resource depletion make sustainability an urgent issue that future leaders must address​ (Internet Matters)​.

Courses and Degrees:

  • Sustainability Studies: This interdisciplinary field includes courses like Sustainable Development, Environmental Ethics, and Corporate Social Responsibility.
  • Environmental Engineering: Focused on designing solutions to environmental problems. Fundamental courses include Water Resources Engineering, Waste Management, and Environmental Systems Design.
  • Circular Economy: Degrees focusing on sustainable economic models. Courses might include Resource Management, Sustainable Business Practices, and Environmental Economics.

Parting Words

Preparing children for tomorrow's problems requires a holistic approach to education that emphasizes critical thinking, adaptability, and a deep understanding of global issues. High school students can better prepare themselves by expanding their network with international friends and taking hybrid or online courses that help them practice English and take electives that align with their interests. According to an Institute of International Education survey, students who engage in international exchange programs and build global networks are more likely to develop cross-cultural skills and improve their employability​ (Getting Smart)​. Additionally, hybrid and online learning platforms such as Coursera and edX offer a wide range of courses that allow students to explore diverse subjects and gain proficiency in English, which is essential for global communication and collaboration​ (Internet Matters)​. By equipping the next generation with these skills and knowledge through specific courses and degrees, we can ensure they are ready to tackle the challenges ahead and create a better future for all.


  1. Future Problem Solving Program International. (2024).
  2. Psychology Today. (2023).
  3. Internet Matters. (2024).
  4. Getting Smart. (2024).
  5. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). (2024).
  6. McKinsey Global Institute. (2020).
  7. World Economic Forum. (2020).
  8. U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). (2020).
  9. Institute of International Education. (2020).


Article Author(s)

Bruce Davis