Who is Jesus Christ, 9th Grade B

Ninth graders focus on gaining a deeper knowledge and understanding of the Sacred Scripture as the word of God. Through their study of the Bible, students explore the uniqueness of the Bible, authored by God through divine inspiration, and by men using various literary forms. They learn how to read the Bible with understanding and become familiar with the major sections of Scripture, and the books included in each section. In the second half of the year, students gain an understanding of all that God has done in and through His beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Students reflect on the mystery of God’s plan and to seek deeper understanding of the mystery of Christ whom God sent into the world to make atonement for our sins. Students explore God’s plan for us to share eternal happiness with Him through the redemption, which Christ has won for us.



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Course Description

Ninth graders focus on gaining a deeper knowledge and understanding of the Sacred Scripture as the word of God. Through their study of the Bible, students explore the uniqueness of the Bible, authored by God through divine inspiration, and by men using various literary forms. They learn how to read the Bible with understanding and become familiar with the major sections of Scripture, and the books included in each section. In the second half of the year, students gain an understanding of all that God has done in and through His beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Students reflect on the mystery of God’s plan and to seek deeper understanding of the mystery of Christ whom God sent into the world to make atonement for our sins. Students explore God’s plan for us to share eternal happiness with Him through the redemption, which Christ has won for us.

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